Sunday, March 04, 2007


Purim, is one of the more joyous occasions for the Jewish people to have a time of celebration. It is a Holiday that started 3 days ago and is also know as the feast of esther. It is a time of celebration for the jewish people that God delivered them from the hand of Haman, the story being found in the book of esther. In the streets here, it would appear to look almost the same as our halloween. Everyone dresses up, and that have noise makers and clappers that one is to shake and rattle whenever the name of haman is spoken so to blot out his name forever with the sound of the noise makers and clappers. And whenever the name of mordechai is mentioned then you are supposed to cheer and exalt the name. It is a time for celebration and costumes and dancing and praise. It is also a time where the talmid says that everyone is to drink so much that they cannot decipher between blessed be the name of mordachei or cursed be the name of haman. It is a time of celebration but unfortunately you also see quite a bit of decedance also. It has turned to a very secular holiday and I would say very few actually remember for that which it should be remembered. But if it is one thing the jews hold fast to, it is tradition. As far as me personally, there is nothing new to report really. My brother is coming in next week, which I am very excited. I'm taking a couple of days off work which is much needed. We are going to Petra and to Masadah and some of the other places in the area. So it will be good to see a familiar face. Other then that, the time is going well. Still working on the factory floor, doing the many things that entails. Learning Hebrew which is exciting and hard all at the same time. It is a whole mind change, but I am enjoying it for sure. Learning how to do basic communications and learnign how to read. From there it is just memorization. Anyways, thank you all for the continual support and prayer.