Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the seven.

Well I am sorry it has taken me so long to write a proper update. The last week has felt like a whirlwind. I am still trying to recover from the jet lag and feel that I am through the worst of it. I have news to report in that I have found a place and it is a lovely apartment and has definitely been a place of refuge for me. It has an amazing view of Jerusalem like all apartments here. So that is certainly a praise. I am still trying to get basics like food and other articles that I am picking up. Everyone speaks English for the most part but I am excited and eager to start learning Hebrew. My first impression of Jerusalem feels a bit schizophrenic. One moment I am still in shock that I am here and then quickly that turns into fear as I question the fact that I am actually here. I haven't had a lot of time to think as I have been very busy with Bridges for Peace. But before I get into that I want to continue explaining my impression of the city and culture as a whole. The city is beautiful. All the buildings are made out of Jerusalem limestone and so therefore they all look the same. But they obviously carry a very middle eastern feel to them. Most of the streets are brick and it is full of hills. I have not had a chance to see a lot of the "sites" yet as I have been in such a place of transition. It is beautiful all in all. Safety issues seem to be fine. Other then the soldiers who are younger then me walking around with guns you would have no idea that there were problems. It is nothing like the news portrays it, yet at least. It gets lonely here for sure. I am sure that is part of the transition and part of everything that is going on. It seems to pull on my chest and I certainly wonder how I got here and what I was thinking when I came here. There is a peace that is comforting. Fear with peace I imagine. As for Bridges for Peace. The organization as a whole does so much. I have been moving around quite a bit because they want me to see everything that the organization does which is a good thing. The last few weeks I have been working at a food bank and delivering food into the many places that Bridges supports through food and clothing. This monday I am moving into the headquarters office where I will be doing publications work for BFP. I am excited about the move. One of the more frustrating things is just the lack of young people in the organization. I knew this would be the case but I wish it wasn't. But a praise is that there is a friend here studying at the Hebrew University so we are hanging out quite a bit. But all that to say, come visit if you get a chance. Other than that I am excited about thanksgiving. The Lord has given me some friends to spend it with and we are getting dressed up as pilgrims and indians. So it is such a good thing to have friends. Sometimes I forget what a blessing that is. I am questioning much now. Some days I can't believe I'm here and I get scared and frustrated at the fact. Other days it makes more sense. Certainly pray please. Pray that I will understand the love of God more, just the love He has for each one of us. That I will understand Him in the quiet places. I need His comfort. I hope all is well with all of you, wherever you are. Thank you for your prayers and support. Shalom.


Anonymous said...


I wanted to let you know that i've been praying for you quite a bit the past week or so and i wanted you to know that. I finally checked out all of the blogs you have posted, which i am excited about because they have given me more specific things to pray for you about. I'm so excited that you are there and you definately inspired me. Hope all is well and know you are prayed for.


Anonymous said...

Chris...the weekend at the Crow Reservation was such a blessing. Ronnie and Marcella have an ongoing relationship with a family up there going on 10 years. All of them that I met were gracious and unassuming yet posessed a sense of humor. The night all the men joined in on "the sweat" (sort of like a sauna but indian style) the Indians spent some time explaining to the team what was behind the sweat (purification/cleansing) and prayed for the team in Crow. One of our hosts told us you will not find any Indians that do not believe in God. They are a spiritual people. They certainly were gracious to us. We left them with 26 turkeys. I'm glad you have friends for Thanksgiving. Remember when you were little and we read the story of Squanto, Massasoett and the Pilgrams? How good it is for brethren to dwell together. We will miss you. Send us a picture of you in the headdress. Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. -M-