Saturday, December 16, 2006


well, we were able to secure a christmas tree, which is nearly impossible here in jerusalem. we decorated it and tried to make things as much like home as possible. some people would argue that celebrating christmas is contrary to the spirit of being in jerusalem, but to be honest it fights off the loneliness. it reminds me of home, which in a place that is so far away helps very much. you don't understand how much you miss the things of your culture until they are completely stripped away. thursday night bridges for peace had a christmas party and the chef had studied culinary arts in san francisco so it was great to have american food again. and then we were able to worship with christmas carols. we celebrated the first night of chanukah last night and had a wonderful shabbat dinner with some friends. it is a beautiful sight to see the menorah's lit up in all the windows over the city. tomorrow morning i am going to the dome of the rock. since at this point it is under muslim control, non-muslim's are only allowed to visit it on sunday mornings since that is the muslim's religous day where they do not work. it is baffling to me how there is only 10 feet between the dome of the rock and the western wall, yet one is under israels control and the other is under the muslims control and the only separation is the westen wall. but needless to say i am excited. the weekend has been very good, and it is back to work early monday morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heyy chris man i hear everything is going well i'm very glad to hear this. I hope this is everything you hope for and more. God bless and i hope you have a merry christmas. take care man